Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Watery Graves

Dumping Bodies is Mr. Tiddles' specialty.   A body is never found unless Mr. Tiddles wants it discovered.  Sometimes, the discovery is used as a tool to strike fear in the population. 

Dumping a victim in the water is an art form.  Make sure he or she swallows some rocks before they are rendered unconscious in order to get the process moving in the right direction.  Then pour powder cement down their throats.  This will do the trick and make the body sink faster.  Hey if humans have the audacity to feed cattle and other livestock powder cement to make them heavier and thus more profitable on the open market,    Mr. Tiddles can give them some of their own medicine. 

Allow the victim to sink in the water like an anchor. Hopefully the flesh decomposes and small fish can feed and eat well for a while.

This is the circle of life... 
Mr. Tiddles' style. 

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