Saturday, July 30, 2011

Do You Hear Me?

Ripping the eardrum out of this victim was a bloody mess.  Blood was squirting everywhere.  This individual was not listening to Mr. Tiddles' instructions to lay still and take his punishment.  Therefore, he had to feel my wrath.  Now, he will enter the afterlife with a huge hole in the side of his head.  Pliers are a useful tool.  First dig into the ear canal with a screwdriver make a sizable hole, take pliers, dig inside, and yank it out.  It looks a mini-squid.  I think I will let Goatboy chew on it and afterwards ask him if it tastes like squid.  Goatboy eats anything given to him. 

This victim like the rest of the population is NOT LISTENING to Mr. Tiddles' WARNING...  

This guy was picking up prostitutes and performing rough acts on them for his own amusement.  He would bound and gag them in a chair, and slowly break their toes and fingers, by smashing each toe and finger with a hammer.  He would get so hard in his pants and ejaculate in his underwear over the fact he was inflicting so much pain to this women.  I doubt these prostitutes claimed workmen's compensation. future victims...LISTEN to all instructions given by Mr. Tiddles and there will be a little less pain before death...well just maybe!!!

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