Monday, July 11, 2011

The Joy of a Female's Monthly Friend

Unhealthy Ingestion of Menstrual Blood Clots is the next yarn spun by yours truly...Mr. Tiddles.

Mr. Tiddles followed his latest victim for weeks, watching him follow ladies who are on their monthly friend (during their menstrual cycle) into public restrooms.  He tackles them to the floor, pulls their pants and panties down, and devours their vagina-blood clots and all.   Some gals are a bit put off by these actions and others are oddly turned on and allow his feast to continue.  

So far so good...he is just some blood-sucking freak.  Sometimes, if a female's period is particularly heavy, it makes him ejaculate in his pants.  Their menstrual blood is so red, heavy, pungent, and fresh he cannot help himself.  However, as time goes on, he raises this ritual to new dangerous heights, his blood lust begins to cloud his judgment. 

Now, he cuts off his victim's air supply by tying plastic bags over their heads (at least he has found another use for these environmental hazards) while eating their bloody vagina.  It makes their body convulse until blood clots pour out of their vagina like an opened fire hydrant.  This makes him have multiple orgasms in his pants.  Some females are found unconscious in a dirty bathroom stalls and others do not make the trip home, if you know what I mean.  

Mr. Tiddles needs to put an end to this blood-sucking freak's fun.  

Mr. Tiddles follows our blood taster and his victim into the restroom and locks the door.  Three of us just staring at each other like a Mexican standoff, the looks on their faces were priceless.  

Mr. Tiddles pulls out a crowbar and knocks him out.  The girl starts to beg for her life.  Mr. Tiddles instructs her to sit on the toilet, pull out numerous blood clots out of her vagina, and let them fall into the bowl.  The toilet water turns crimson red.   

"Now if you wish to watch Mr. Tiddles do his magic, stay and observe.  Otherwise leave the premises quick as you can."  No one would ever believe her bizarre encounter in a public restroom. 

Mr. Tiddles awakens the bloodsucker.        Mr. Tiddles grabs his head and shoves it into the crimson red water.  He is choking violently.  Bloody water is filling his lungs and right before he passes into the void, he has the strongest orgasm he has ever had!!!


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