Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Voyeurism: They Like to Watch

The Creatures of Earth watch intently as Mr. Tiddles captures and tortures humans.  One by one...sometimes two at a time, these victims are taught their final lesson.  The creatures cannot keep their eyes off the damage and carnage that     Mr. Tiddles bestows upon humans.

Secretly, they are happy that someone or something (Mr. Tiddles) is on their side.  Humans have only been on this Earth for a short time, but the damage they have caused and are still causing, is horrific. 
With every killing, Mr. Tiddles is sending a message that Nature and Earth creatures are the rulers of this Planet...not humans, World Governments, or Members of Secret Societies.   

No one is untouchable.  You will all perish by the hands of Mr. Tiddles.

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