Monday, July 4, 2011

Fourth of July Madness

In America, they are celebrating liberation from the British that occurred 235 years ago.  Now America has become a Police State since George W. Bush championed and Congress instituted the Patriot Act.  Obama has continued this reign of terror on the American people.  This is all in the name of National Security. 

Cell phones, internet accounts, and telephone calls monitored.  Cameras installed almost everywhere in public.  Americans watched 24 hours per day 7 days a week. 

Their Military heroes come home from WAR and they do not receive the necessary benefits owed and deserved by them.  All the money spent on making more WAR in foreign countries.  America has not learned from the mistakes of the Roman Empire and every other empire since their demise. 

Eventually, the American Empire will cease to exist.  Their empire is currently in decline and it seems it will be sooner than later.

The American Government has brought this hardship upon their people.  

9-11 was created by the U.S. Government and they have continued to curtail every available freedom since then.

Mr. Tiddles will continue his own reign of terror upon the American people. 

Misery loves company!!!

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