Monday, October 31, 2011


SAMHAIN- the night (October 31) before the New Year (November 1), the wall between the living and the dead is open, allowing spirits of the dead, both good and bad, to mingle among the living.  Some of these spirits are thought to possess living people, cause trouble, ruin crops, or to search for passage to the afterlife.

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are on an all night killing bender.  This is the night where nothing is questioned and everything is permissible.  

The dead spirits will be fuse with the living...

When you bloggers are running the streets this Samhain, listen for sounds of blood splattering against the pumpkins on the porches.  We will be slicing and dicing our victims with feverous vigor.  Our list of victims must be exhausted.  All of them must die a brutal death in order to make a statement for the others.

Rapists, child molesters, and humans who do not value the lives of animals will all perish this Samhain. 

And...If we do not get to your town this not worry there is always next year...    

'Tis now the very witching time of night, when churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world.  -William Shakespeare

Saturday, October 29, 2011

DTK-Down to Kill

The streets smell of urine and burnt flesh.  There are a lot of shadows (i.e. evil humans) out there in society.   

They must be stopped DEAD in their tracks...

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are Down To Kill anyone who deserves to breathe their last breath. 

Take two gangbangers from rival gangs for instance.  Two reprehensible individuals who kill and maim for their brotherhood.                       Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy kidnapped them.  Each gang blames the other rival.  

Each gangbanger is blindfolded and tied to an electrical power tower.  They are soaking wet from Goatboy peeing on them.   They must be soaking wet for our experiment to work.  We will see which gangbanger survives the longest when electrocuted. 

It's rival gang members fighting for the last time. 

Let the games begin...

Surprisingly, Goatboy's pee is a good conductor of electrical currents...These nasty thugs are sizzling and their clothes are smoking.  Well, it seems these two checked out at the same time.   

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy will just have to kidnap two more gangbangers to continue our experiment...there are so many subjects available in the urban city.  We are like kids in a candy store.

"When I turned 16, that's when I basically started shooting people, putting in work and all.  In my neighborhood, people feared me. They feared me because I did not have no (sic) problems with taking a life. I mean, you disrespect me or do something wrong to me, you'll die for it." -----an unknown gangbanger

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Dying (After) Party

Mr. Tiddles, Goatboy, and the Burkittsville Butcher wander off the beaten path and pass a local chain motel.  Humans are having a pool party.  Alcohol and recreational drugs are flowing.  

It's a wonderful opportunity to throw our own dying after party.  We spike the alcohol with some lethal doses of Difethialone (commonly used as rodent poison).  We had some left over from our prior extermination of a human. 

These bastards bled out into the pool water.  The blue/green pool water turned crimson red.  This was a far-out spectacle to behold. 

The authorities blamed this massacre on the motel for not regulating alcohol consumption while swimming in the pool.  Some humans are so naive.  Not one autopsy performed on the 20-30 dead bodies that were still floating and had bled out profusely in the pool.   

Mr. Tiddles throws parties for the 21st Century.  People are dying to attend and it's always Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control!!!  

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Earth is Dying Screaming

The sky is turning bloody red.  The cows are glowing.  These humans are destroying this planet.

The rapid increase in human population over the past two centuries has raised concerns that humans have begun to overpopulate the Earth, and this planet may not be able to sustain present or larger numbers of these worthless inhabitants.  The population has been growing continuously since the end of the Black Death around the year 1400. 

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy will trim the Human herd. We are trying our best to wipe out this Plague on Earth called Humans.  This Earth needs to go back to the non-human creatures.

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are the Soldiers of Death.  We are helping the non-human Earth creatures to take back their planet before all resources cease to exist.   

"There was thunder there was lightning
then the stars went out and the moon fell from the sky
it rained mackerel it rained trout
and the great day of wrath has come
and here's mud in your big red eye
the poker's in the fire and the locusts take the sky
and the earth died screaming."  ---Tom Waits

Friday, October 21, 2011

Here Comes the End

Mr. Tiddles whispers "Here Comes the End" to his female victim as he is preparing to hang her from the heavens for all to see.  

He continues to whisper in her ear: "You will cease to layman's will die!  You might wish to ask whoever is there at the let you in..." 

Meanwhile, Goatboy is jumping up and down like a wild beast snarling and growling staring at our victim.  If I let him...he would literally tear her apart like a cannibal. 

Our other killing buddy, the Burkittsville Butcher is following us and observing the carnage.  However, it seems that he cannot handle our form of destruction and stands in the corner mumbling to himself and to his entity that we are evil. 

Our thinking, "These three psychos will be the death of me.  I never thought it would end this way... "

"I don't have any idea whether there's life after death or not."  ---Dr. Raymond Moody

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Take a Bite

Mr. Tiddles poisoned a few apples to give to his victims as a last meal.  Inject Difethialone (commonly used as rodent poison) into apples and force-feed his victims.  Humans use this poison to control the rodent population in urban areas.  In turn, Mr. Tiddles will use the same method to control the human population. 

When Difethialone is ingested, the substance prevents coagulation; that is, it stops blood from clotting.  The subject bleeds out until there is death.  This causes a slow agonizing death.    

The humans want to play rough and attack/kill my minions (rodents) ...Then, Mr. Tiddles needs to play rougher.    

Let the deserving humans die like the rodents.   

Difethialone is an anticoagulant used as a rodenticide.