Sunday, October 16, 2011

Take a Bite

Mr. Tiddles poisoned a few apples to give to his victims as a last meal.  Inject Difethialone (commonly used as rodent poison) into apples and force-feed his victims.  Humans use this poison to control the rodent population in urban areas.  In turn, Mr. Tiddles will use the same method to control the human population. 

When Difethialone is ingested, the substance prevents coagulation; that is, it stops blood from clotting.  The subject bleeds out until there is death.  This causes a slow agonizing death.    

The humans want to play rough and attack/kill my minions (rodents) ...Then, Mr. Tiddles needs to play rougher.    

Let the deserving humans die like the rodents.   

Difethialone is an anticoagulant used as a rodenticide.

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