Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Dying (After) Party

Mr. Tiddles, Goatboy, and the Burkittsville Butcher wander off the beaten path and pass a local chain motel.  Humans are having a pool party.  Alcohol and recreational drugs are flowing.  

It's a wonderful opportunity to throw our own dying after party.  We spike the alcohol with some lethal doses of Difethialone (commonly used as rodent poison).  We had some left over from our prior extermination of a human. 

These bastards bled out into the pool water.  The blue/green pool water turned crimson red.  This was a far-out spectacle to behold. 

The authorities blamed this massacre on the motel for not regulating alcohol consumption while swimming in the pool.  Some humans are so naive.  Not one autopsy performed on the 20-30 dead bodies that were still floating and had bled out profusely in the pool.   

Mr. Tiddles throws parties for the 21st Century.  People are dying to attend and it's always Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control!!!  

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