Monday, October 31, 2011


SAMHAIN- the night (October 31) before the New Year (November 1), the wall between the living and the dead is open, allowing spirits of the dead, both good and bad, to mingle among the living.  Some of these spirits are thought to possess living people, cause trouble, ruin crops, or to search for passage to the afterlife.

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are on an all night killing bender.  This is the night where nothing is questioned and everything is permissible.  

The dead spirits will be fuse with the living...

When you bloggers are running the streets this Samhain, listen for sounds of blood splattering against the pumpkins on the porches.  We will be slicing and dicing our victims with feverous vigor.  Our list of victims must be exhausted.  All of them must die a brutal death in order to make a statement for the others.

Rapists, child molesters, and humans who do not value the lives of animals will all perish this Samhain. 

And...If we do not get to your town this not worry there is always next year...    

'Tis now the very witching time of night, when churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world.  -William Shakespeare

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