Saturday, October 29, 2011

DTK-Down to Kill

The streets smell of urine and burnt flesh.  There are a lot of shadows (i.e. evil humans) out there in society.   

They must be stopped DEAD in their tracks...

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are Down To Kill anyone who deserves to breathe their last breath. 

Take two gangbangers from rival gangs for instance.  Two reprehensible individuals who kill and maim for their brotherhood.                       Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy kidnapped them.  Each gang blames the other rival.  

Each gangbanger is blindfolded and tied to an electrical power tower.  They are soaking wet from Goatboy peeing on them.   They must be soaking wet for our experiment to work.  We will see which gangbanger survives the longest when electrocuted. 

It's rival gang members fighting for the last time. 

Let the games begin...

Surprisingly, Goatboy's pee is a good conductor of electrical currents...These nasty thugs are sizzling and their clothes are smoking.  Well, it seems these two checked out at the same time.   

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy will just have to kidnap two more gangbangers to continue our experiment...there are so many subjects available in the urban city.  We are like kids in a candy store.

"When I turned 16, that's when I basically started shooting people, putting in work and all.  In my neighborhood, people feared me. They feared me because I did not have no (sic) problems with taking a life. I mean, you disrespect me or do something wrong to me, you'll die for it." -----an unknown gangbanger

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