Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Burkittsville Butcher

The guy walks into the graveyard and sees Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy sitting under a tree.

He comes up to us and begins to tell his if we are his therapists...

"I have not slept in weeks.  Some kind of entity has been haunting my dreams and now I believe he is following me.  I have been living in this town for decades and have heard the legend of the witch.  I grew up not believing this tale, but now I do not know what to believe.  I hear voices in my head that order me to find victims to mutilate and kill in ritualistic fashion.  Sometimes, I see this entity following me and I catch glimpses of it in a reflection when I walk passed a glass pane.  My current body count is about 24 as of yesterday.  My mind usually goes blank and I find myself picking at least two victims at a time.  I bring them back to my cabin in the woods, where I disembowel them.  One victim always faces a corner, as I disembowel the other.  This entity instructs me to make sure the second victim hears the screams of the first."

Mr. Tiddles speaks:  "Your tale is intriguing.  My apprentice and I are going to spend a short time with you.  I want to see this entity and witness your ritualistic killing style. 

"I do not wish to kill anymore.  I need your help and understanding.  Please help me stop this madness."

Mr. Tiddles looks at him and replies, "Oh don't worry, in a short while, everything will end for you.  You can be sure of it."  

"Oh thank you...thank you!  By the way, everyone knows me as the Burkittsville Butcher."  

At sunrise, the three of us walk out of the graveyard...

The Burkittsville Butcher with his shaking hands points across the street at the local community center billboard and tells us to look at the reflection.  In a hushed crackling voice, "See we are being followed..."

The tale will continue...

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