Friday, October 14, 2011

Disposing of the Bodies

The Burkittsville Butcher sits down on the floor of his cabin and begins to sob.  

Cheer up, Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy will travel with you on your journey. 

In a quivering voice the butcher whispers, "I want to stop killing innocent people."  Mr. Tiddles replies, "No one is truly innocent."

Mr. Tiddles demands that the Burkittsville Butcher show him how he disposes of his victims.  There are two dead bodies lying in the corner of his cabin.

"Well, Mr. Tiddles, I send my victims back to nature as the entity instructs me to do."  Hawks in this area love and devour dead human flesh if prepared correctly.  

Mr. Tiddles exclaims, "Great me!"

The Burkittsville Butcher drags both bodies into a clearing deep in the woods.  He pours mice and rat blood all over both carcasses.  This will attract hawks in the area to swoop down and devour the dead bodies.

Mr. Tiddles questions how he obtains rat and mice bloodThe butcher states the entity leaves buckets of it at his doorstep.  Mr. Tiddles does not believe his story and will look into this matter at a later time.  Rats and mice are just some of Mr. Tiddles' minions and he does not wish to have harm come to them.

All three of us, stand in the clearing until a hawk begins circling the area for food.

This tale will continue...

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