Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fear of Corners

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy follow their 'new friend' the Burkittsville Butcher to his cabin in the Black Hills Forest.  

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy stand by and observe the Burkittsville Butcher's murderous ritual.  He has a victim strapped to a crude wooden table naked and gagged.  He begins to burn crude symbols* in his flesh. 

Mr. Tiddles looks over to the corner of the cabin.  The Burkittsville Butcher has another kidnapped human bound and facing a corner.  This bound human instructed to hear the pain and suffering of the first victim.  Victim warned...if he turns and visually witnesses what is occurring behind him, his whole family will be slowly tortured as he watches their fate.      

It seems that the Burkittsville Butcher uses fear to mentally torture his victims.  He claims that the entity has instructed to mutilate, torture, and kill his victims in this manner.  Any deviation and he would be haunted for eternity.   

The victim on the table finally passes out from the incredible pain that the butcher inflicts upon him.  Then he takes knitting needles and stabs his victim all over his body.  The victim in the corner can hear blood squirting out his fellow victim's body.  It is so quiet.  The butcher is in some sort of trance.  He dances around the body repeatedly plunging two knitting needles into the flesh. 

Mr. Tiddles believes this butcher has a curious killing style and wishes to observe him further.      

Goatboy is just staring at the victim in the corner...I have seen this look before.  I place my hand on Goatboy and reassures him that he and I will do some damage in the near future, but for now we are to observe.  Mr. Tiddles instructs Goatboy to allow this bound victim to have "Fear of Corners."  

If one looks out the cabin window next to the bound victim, a figure begins to materialize in the tree.  Mr. Tiddles looks out the window, as the Burkittsville Butcher begins screaming at the figure.  "Please let me stop..."  

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy dig this scene and decide to continue to observe and play the game... 

The symbol burned into the flesh of the Burkittsville Butcher's victims: 

*A five-pointed compound symbol with a center triangle pointing down.  The five lines resemble the microcosmic man with arms and legs outstretched inside a circle (with a pentagram in the background) -- a magic symbol or charm among medieval alchemists and wizards. 

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