Monday, October 10, 2011

Killing Tour

Warning: Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are on a killing tour of America.  We might be coming to a town near you. 

We are stopping at this quiet town...

In 1786, a suspected witch was cast out of this quiet town and blamed for the many missing town's children.  It seemed this old lady succumbed to the winter elements. 

Reportedly, this witch cursed the whole town.  Most town people abandoned the area.  Inhabitants resettled in 1824 and the town's name changed.  

More missing children are reported throughout the years...

On 25 May 1941, an old hermit who was known for living in an old house on a hill in the woods comes into the local town market exclaiming mysteriously, his deeds.  This leads the authorities to his house in the woods where they discover seven children's bodies ritualistically disemboweled.

The hermit told of ghost of an old woman who appeared to him when he was out walking in the woods.  When he stopped seeing the woman in the woods.  He was left with an eerie voice in his head that told him to do things.  At first, he was told to do strange things like sleep in the cellar for a week at a time, he could not resist this strange voice telling him what to do and soon found himself being told to go down to the town and get the first two children that he came upon.

In all he took eight children, but only killed seven of them.  He claimed that the woman appeared to him after he had killed the seventh child and told him that he was finished and that he was to go into town the next day and tell everyone what he had done.  She said she would leave him alone if he did this deed. He released the last child.  When the police came upon his house, they found the last living child on the front porch.  He was unable to speak.  They soon came across the bodies of the children in seven graves in the cellar. This child never recovered from this encounter with the hermit.  It was found that the child was forced to stand in the corner whilst another child was killed behind him.  He remained institutionalized for the rest of his life until his death in 1971. 

Reportedly, the hermit was convicted and hanged.

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are roaming this town in the present day.  Mr. Tiddles does not put up with any killing of children or animals.  Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy will track down and kill anyone hurting a child or an earth creature.  We are camping in the local graveyard...waiting to pounce on anyone who claims this witch possesses them and instructs to kill innocent children and creatures.   

This tale will continue...

"If we seem nutty to you...or crazy to you... Just remember one thing: the mighty oak tree was once a nut like us."  ---Deathcab For Cutie

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