Saturday, November 5, 2011

Conjugal Burns

Husband and wife team of sadists caught in our web.  They will now feel the Conjugal Burn. 

Strip naked.  Bound, gag, and tied to the piping red-hot radiators.  Slivers of skin are peeling off our dynamic duo.  Blood, sweat, and tears flowing.

They are mumbling through their gags.  Asking Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy why are we doing this to them. 

{Meanwhile...The Burkittsville Butcher is crying in the corner as usual.  He has become useless to our mission.}

Male Victim's confession:"I guess you bloggers want to know why I am here tied up being tortured.  These Angels of Death (Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy) are reliving me of my mortal coil.  Day and night, my wife and I have been kidnapping people, torturing them for our own sadistic pleasure.  I have been doing this for years before I met my wife.  At first, she was a 'bit turned off by it,' but soon after she came around and began to take her own twisted pleasure in our sadistic and depraved exploits.  We would stick bamboo chopsticks under their finger and toe nails until they would fall off.  My wife would collect these nails and we would force-feed them to our victims.  Occasionally, we would sodomize them in their holes with various kitchen utensils.  Things got out of hand and we had issues hiding the bodies.  Therefore, we purchased a food-grinding machine...and the problem solved.  Now we are the ones being killed for our sins!"

Female Victim's confession:"My husband forced me to choose this life.  He threatened to leave me if I did not participate in his exploits.  It was my job to take the "human meat" to various animal shelters and donate this food to them.  I would be grinding two or three bodies a week into raw pulp.  I probably have low self-esteem for staying with my husband all these years.  However, he is the only one who has ever truly loved me.  Now I am paying for my choices in life.  I am about to die by the hands of other sadistic fucks like ourselves."   

Make Peace With Yourself:  Sometimes...the company we keep gets us into trouble, but in this instance, it turned deadly. 

"The horseman you have brought deserve me  
Some how they've made it through the floor  
The clocks you set  
Are they reversing'  
Before this visit turns Conjugal  
Ever more  
Maybe tonight  
So my half is waiting  
Filed to a pulp  
Used insomnia's been cleansing with floods  
I got a pain inside that'll rip through the very fabric of time  
Cause I've been with you  
Before God gave me sin"  ---
The Mars Volta

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