Sunday, November 6, 2011

Asteroid 2005 YU55

Asteroid 2005 YU55 is a huge space rock measuring approximately 1,312 feet in diameter will pass the Earth at a distance of around 201,000 miles away at around 6:28 pm EST on Tuesday, but we should stress that there is no danger to planet Earth.  A senior research scientist at NASA located in Pasadena, California said that the orbit and position of the asteroid is unknown and added, “There is a chance that his object will collide with the Earth or Moon.” 

While the Asteroid hysteria encompasses the Earth...           Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy will be killing their prey (Humans) as usually.  This Asteroid should just smash into the Earth.  It will teach the humans a valuable lesson. 

Do Not Mess with Nature and the Universe. 

If the Humans believe, they are the superior creatures of the Universe.  They are sadly mistaken. 
Language is a virus from outer space.--William S. Burroughs

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