Friday, November 11, 2011


Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy were strolling through the canyon near Wonderland Drive.  We came upon a sprawling home.  We walked into the backyard as if we owned the place.  We laid down on the outdoor patio lounges to rest.  Night fell upon us.  A party is going on in the main house.  

Debauchery was the magic word of the night.  Witnessed through the sliding doors was an array of multiple fornications...Young men breeding with other young men and young ladies taking it up every hole imaginable.     

Finally, a couple comes out onto the pool deck.  They are kissing passionately and not paying attention to two freaks (Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy) staring at them.  Goatboy slumbers over to the chair where they're sitting.  He is breathing heavy and snorting.  They are in their own world...high and extremely horny.  Goatboy reaches for the male, grabs him by his neck, and lifts him off his feet.  The female falls on the ground and just looks up at her boyfriend being choked.  She does not scream...she is in a drug-induced daze (aren't drugs wonderful).  Goatboy is choking the life out of her boy toy and she's just staring into space.  The boyfriend is spitting up capacious amount of blood into the pool, turning the water blood red. 

Goatboy has choked the life out of this guy and he drops his lifeless body in the pool.  It sinks like a rock.  The water splashes on the female and for a brief few seconds...clarity sets in...She starts screeching like a banshee.  Mr. Tiddles grabs her and shoves an article of her clothing in her mouth.  He takes her belt and hog-ties her hands and feet.  Goatboy tosses her into the blood red pool.  She sinks to the bottom like an anvil.    

It's strange that no one came out of the house to help their two friends. 

These humans kept on fornicating...they are breeding into OBLIVION.

Some might say, we went overboard, but we do not know any other way.

There are more houses filled with future victims on Mulholland Drive.   Let's take a walk...and see what other scene we can get into...You DIG!!!

“Always go too far, because that's where you'll find the truth” ― Albert Camus

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