Saturday, November 19, 2011

Holiday Bedlam

It's Bedlam in the streets.  Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are in hiding.  The holidays are fast approaching.  Do not ever get in the way of Humans and their shopping.

Mr. Tiddles sends out one of his minions to wreck havoc during the holidays. 

WetNanna the flesh-eating goat will chew up those crazy shoppers.  This beautiful beast can chew through human bone and flesh like HELL on four furry feet. 

Shoppers keep on buying and consuming because WetNanna will find you and then it will definitely be your own Black Friday.  

Dispatched to the Great Beyond of Death where you find the blackest hole of your mind.  

True Nothingness for the ultimate price...   

People purchasing goods and consuming materials in excess of their basic needs is as old as the first civilizations (e.g. Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome) ---Anonymous.

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