Saturday, November 12, 2011

Running from the Cops

America has become a Police State.  Ordinary citizens are under surveillance.  Cell phone conversations, Email, bank transactions, DVD rentals, online purchases, library book choices, and post office mail are all monitored.  They are looking for certain patterns or drastic changes in our daily lives. Once they find something, you are on their radar forever. 

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are on the run...

Our last two victims by the pool in the canyon were someone's famous children.  Imagine a brother and sister fornicating by a pool in the canyon.  We should sell this story to the rag magazines.  However, we have bigger fish to fry.  We need to get back to one of our hidden compounds and lay low for a while.  I guess we have to take the Burkittsville Butcher with us.  Then later we will dispose of this useless killer.  All he does is sit in the compound crying hysterical speaking to his entity.  He has become dead weight that needs to be shed. 

A few days in hiding and then it's back to our mission of killing you ruthless humans.

You know, we are all "Running from the Cops" one way or another. 

A functioning police state needs no police.--William S. Burroughs

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