Sunday, November 6, 2011


Welcome to the last days on Earth. Humanity is dying off, oceans are vaporizing, and the life-giving sun is ballooning into a swollen giant filling the sky.

The Sun is experiencing a gradual transformation, after it consumes the last of its hydrogen fuel.  It will start burning helium.
Helium burning leads to higher core temperatures that would cause the sun to start swelling into a red giant.  The Sun will eventually expand to around 250 times its current size. 

Previous studies showed that the expanding Sun would engulf Mercury and Venus, while Mars would remain safely out of reach.  For now, Earth remains in a zone of uncertainty because of its location between those planets. A faint chance exists that the Sun would lose too much mass before getting too big, and would allow the Earth to escape into a wider orbit as the Sun loses its gravitational grip.

However, if the humans keep trashing and destroying the Earth and killing off Nature and its creatures, this planet should and will be swallowed up in a ball of fire.

The Sun God Ra is angry with the humans.  These despicable creatures are killing the Earth and all its inhabitants in the name of Money, Greed, and Capitalism.

Mr. Tiddles is closely monitoring the Sun and the Moon for any disturbances... 

Humans will continue their destruction of Earth and so will Mr. Tiddles and his henchman, Goatboy, continue to kill them.  It's a cycle of life and death.  

Sun God Ra is described as being God of Sun and the Universe and embodies the cycle of birth, life, and death.

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