Sunday, November 13, 2011

Not in Wonderland Anymore

Time is either moving slowly or fast down here in the Rabbit Hole Bunker.  There is only Goatboy and I left.  The Burkittsville Butcher had to leave this Earth.  He pleaded to be put out of his misery.  Hopefully, he took his entity with him. Goatboy tore the fucker apart.  Damn the smell from his blood and flesh is overpowering down in this small bunker.  Goatboy is licking up blood just as a cat would give itself a bath.  I believe we took too many of these psychedelic pills and it's causing us to hallucinate even more than usual.    

Mr. Tiddles begins to stuff the flesh and various body parts of the Burkittsville Butcher in the toilet.   The toilet overflows and things become worse. 

Mr. Tiddles just stares at Goatboy and the overflowing bloody toilet bowl.  "We are in a quagmire and I'm tripping badly.

Mr. Tiddles sees another figure in their bunker.  The figure looks like a giant woodland creature.

"How did this fucker get into my bunker?  I sealed the hatch very well.  No one knows about this place but us and one of us is dead and stuffed in a toilet bowl.  Goatboy just grunts, growls, and one in their right mind would understand that nutcase.  This must be my very real hallucination."

Mr. Tiddles asks aloud to the woodland creature, "Are you the Rabbit?  The woodland creature starts speaking gibberish.  Listen, I cannot understand you. If you want to speak to me, say something I can understand!"

The Rabbit begins to speak non-gibberish, but in riddles.  "The men who seek you and the goat are near.  They come in rubber masks and smoke will envelop the area.  You must not run, but fight your battle.  Your mission of saving all non-human Earth creatures is a noble and just cause.  Continue the fight before the humans kill off Planet Earth and it becomes a wasteland. Remember, the planet will get worse before it gets better."


The Rabbit turns around and walks into the darkness without a further word...

"One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall."
  --Jefferson Airplane

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