Tuesday, November 8, 2011


War is a state of organized, armed, and often prolonged conflict carried on between states, nations, or other parties typified by extreme aggression, social disruption, and usually high mortality.

We are at WAR...  

WAR in the streets...   Humanity and morality has been (is being) destroyed.

Mr. Tiddles, Goatboy, and the non-human creatures on Earth versus anyone else who stands in our way of taking back the Earth from the humans.
Remember no one's safe from us.  If we come upon a human committing an atrocity towards an animal or nature.   He or she: Killed and dispatched to the Other Side...the Void.

There are burning buildings...the poor going hungry...rampant unemployment... All in the name of Greed and Capitalism.

The Humans started this war thousands of years ago.  They cannot win.  They will never survive.

The non-human creatures of Earth chose their side...They will fight on the side of Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy.

Killing our victims swiftly or slowly...it all ends up the same...D-E-A-D.

"But you started a war that we can’t win
They keep erasing all the streets we grew up in
Now the music divides us into tribes
You choose your side, I’ll choose my side."
  ---Arcade Fire

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