Friday, November 11, 2011

SunTrust Times 11-11-11

On the Scene reporter for the SunTrust Times speaking to the local residents:

There are mutilated dead bodies being turned up in the canyon.  Is it the work of one person or a group of people?  The bodies were torn apart. 
Eyewitnesses say they have seen a half man/half goat figure and a cloaked male in a mask leaving the area where the bodies were found.  Most of the time positive identification of theses bodies cannot be made due to the brutality suffered.    

It seems if someone or something is waging a suburban war against the people of this fine community.  People are locking their doors at night and are not staying out late at clubs. 

Businesses in the surrounding areas are suffering.  Business owners are complaining to the authorities that something must be done or their businesses will fail.

Sources say the police have no leads and have no suspects they are currently investigating.  An anonymous police source made this statement last night.  "These two individuals are hell on two feet.  It seems they came to collect souls and they will not be stopped."    

Therefore, the citizens of this beautiful area should be more vigilant and be aware of strangers and your surrounding neighbors during the daylight and especially during the nighttime hours.

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