Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020 the LOST year (COVID)


Someone or something is knocking at the door of 2021...

Do not allow it in...

There will be only more Death and Devastation...

Humans will be hopeful for a vaccine to starve off their demise...

It seems this cure is worse than the disease...

Soon more of the dead will litter the landscape...

Humans have brought this Plague upon themselves and dragged the Animal Kingdom with them...

"Seriously? We saw how 2020 went.  Do we really want to do this, again?"



Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 Bad Habits will be monitored by the Elite...

Not wearing a mask, gathering in groups, refusing to maintain good hygiene, and practicing social distance.

Will be the End of Us...

Can we survive 2021?  I doubt we can actually make it out alive in 2020...

"Amerika will never be the same after 2020."

and that's exactly how the Elites planned it!

Monday, December 28, 2020



Our life is out of focus...

Are we dreaming or is this really happening?

Ever wake up in the middle of the night sweating trying to catch your breath.  Thinking is this how it's going to end.  Quarantined without food or running water.

All alone without any companionship.  Barely working internet.  Black and brownouts throughout the land.

Your pet staring at you for eating their food.  

Witnessing out the window someone devouring their neighborhood for food?

We are completely lost!

"Don't wake me from my Apocalyptic Dreams because real life is much worse..."


A Place 2 Drown


I never had a chance...

Wasn't able to enjoy the time swimming among my kind...

Left to Rot on some beach...

I hope some four-legged creature doesn't come by and completely devour me...

I've been through enough already...

Humans are too busy eating each other for food...

This thing humans call COVID-19 is deadly...

Cannibalism among homo-sapiens is a sight to be seen...

Humans think us creatures are barbaric, they need to look at themselves...

"People drown, quietly, before our eyes, all the time."

~LLsa J. Bick

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Sky was PINK Champagne


The streets are blood red...

What’s next?  A vaccine or just more death and heartache.  

Walking around in a daze looking for some form of life.  

Everybody and everything gone in a flash...

Our bodies are rejecting the last hope...a breakthrough vaccine.  

Vomit and blood all over my clothes.  Where am I going?  Where have I been?  

“The only hope for the doomed, is no hope at all...”

~Virgil, The Aeneid

Friday, December 18, 2020

Nothing is Shocking

 In the Year 2020...

Nothing is Shocking ...

There's dead bodies turning up in the California Canyons...

People being shot by authorities in Salt Lake City...

The police are not willing to accept that the World has gone MAD and these people are looking for food,  attacking each other and devouring the sweet flesh of their fellow man...

Surveillance cameras record these images for everyone to see on the nightly news...  

Show us: Everybody naked and disfigured...

We are not virgins anymore...

COVID-19 is Violent...

"Ain't no wrong, ain't no right...just pleasure and      pain..."

~Jane' s Addiction


 Where do we go from here?

It's the Holidays and there's no celebrating the Death and Destruction.

The World itself is a bad dream and we cannot wake ourselves from this nightmare...

Why should we allow them to poison us with this Vaccine?  

Probably only make it worse.  When was the last time the Amerikan government gave its people something good?

This Vaccine will further divide the populace between the ones that were inoculated and the ones that were not...

"Sometimes the Cure is worse than the Disease..."



Thursday, December 17, 2020



Hello is anybody out there?

A long dark winter has taken hold of Amerika...

All I see is Death...

Bodies strewn all over the landscape...

COVID-19 might be the Death Knell of Humanity...

Martial Law will be enacted in the near future...

Suspension of Amerika's constitution...

We're all in the same boat and we all are going to catch the same hell from the same man..."

~Malcolm X


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Thoughts on a Gray Day

Bare Trees...

End of a Season or the End of Us?

Drought...Lack of Clean Water...

Desolate Landscapes...

It's the End or Just the Beginning...

A Do-Over...Start from Scratch...

Do we humans actually deserve a do-over?

The Animal Kingdom should not forgive the Dreaded Humans...

"For the Animal Kingdom, the Holocaust never ended..."

~Philip Wollen 



Humans are walking in the footsteps of the Mighty Dinosaurs...  

Rocketing towards EXTINCTION...

These Mighty Beasts once ruled the Earth...

Humans are much weaker and lack the capacity of critical thought...

COVID-19 has ravaged the human population on Earth and now this virus has jumped to other species of the Animal Kingdom...

A meteorite killed the Dinosaurs...

Humans were dispatched by a virus and their own stupidity...

"Where do we go from here???"


Friday, November 27, 2020


 These COVID Turkeys were serious about their mission...

Slaughter as many humans as possible...

Tear, Chew, and Digest Human flesh...

Digestion is difficult due to humans tasting horrible...

This year the COVID Turkeys will have an awful case of Diarrhea...  Eliminating human waste from their bowels... 

"Until Next Thanks-Killing..."


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

2020 Attack of the COVID Turkeys


Did you think that 2020 could get any worse...

This holiday hundreds of COVID infected turkeys are running amok in the streets...

A perfect time to spread some "holiday cheer" to the populace...

These birds will not end up on the Thanksgiving table...

They will end up attacking humans and devouring their sweet juicy flesh...

Some humans will perish from these wounds. Others will become infected with COVID-19 and die a slow painful death...

Humans love to kill and eat Turkeys.  However, this holiday is different.  Humans will be the ones on the menu.

"It is what it is..."

~Donald J. Trump

Monday, November 23, 2020

Le Lapin de Paris


The White Rabbit emerges in Paris during the Pandemic

La Pandemie devore la population parisienne...

Le Lapin blanc from Amerika will seduce the Paris men...

No man can resist Le Lapin blanc's honey pot...

Le Lapin blanc will have Paris men suckling from her ample bosom in no time...

Le Lapin's sweet nectar will drive them wild with desire...

Le Lapin blanc teases them with "A Cure" that will not come to be...

This will just cause...Paris women to rise up against their men and throw them into the street in madness where the COVID-19 Virus runs rampant...     

More people will perish from this awful disease...  

"I am addicted to your allure and fiending for a cure..."


Friday, November 13, 2020


Everything is broken now and I don't know how to fix it.

Or even if it's work fixing...

Nobody can save us now...

We are in this COVID dreamworld...

A descent into a world of MADNESS... 

Insomnia takes hold...

After days and hours of not sleeping your mind plays tricks on you.  You're never really awake or asleep...

Extreme paranoia reigns...

Distrustful of every other living soul...

Days and Weeks just meld together...

You forget you haven't gone outside in weeks or had a real conversation with someone that's flesh and blood...

Too scared to interact with anyone...Even family members...

This COVID dreamworld is just one never ending Nightmare...

Please Wake Us Up...

"There are far worse things awaiting man than death."

~Bram Stoker

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Visions of Bodies Being Burned



Burn everything in sight...

Blood on the rust...

It's not a dream it's a memory...

Murder was not discussed...

Having second thoughts...

Too Late...

That train left the station long ago...

The junkie's blood is sprayed all over the walls...

This guy was already half dead. A hole in his head with brains leaking out...

When the smoke clears and you've seen what you done...

It's way too late to ask for forgiveness...

These visions will haunt you forever...

"Second Thoughts oftentimes are very worst of all thoughts..."

~William Shenstone

Saturday, October 31, 2020



Samhain 2020

The barrier between the Dead and Living are whisper thin...

Souls passing into our world looking to wreck havoc...

Blood flowing in the streets...

Bodies piling up in the gutters...

Rats and Raccoons feasting on dead bodies...

These poor creatures eating COVID infected flesh...

When will the MADNESS end???

“We stopped checking for monsters under our beds when we realized they were inside us...”

~Charles Darwin

Friday, October 30, 2020

Mischief Night 2020

 We are ready to storm the streets looking for fresh victims...

Mischief Night 2020 will go down in history as COVID Hell

Grab and pull the victim out of a vehicle and drag them in the woods to mutilate...

COVID infected Blood will flow freely...

“One mischief always introduces another...”

~Daniel Defoe 


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Beauty among the Savages

 A Dead comrade...

Another casualty of this Plague (Covid-19).

A despicable Human searching for food in a beautiful and wondrous park decides to attack an unsuspecting squirrel.  Squirrels don't read newspapers.  They have no idea the Earth is in midst of a Global Pandemic.  They just think humans have lost their minds.  Which they definitely have...

Human grabs the squirrel and suffocates it.  Human takes a healthy bite and immediately drops it to the ground.  Squirrel tastes terrible... 

COVID-19 had entered this squirrel's   bloodstream days ago.  Now this horrible human has this disease.  The disease is traveling through the human's bloodstream like a freight train.  Not stopping or slowing down.  Until it reaches the brain and lungs.  In a few days, the human will feel the full effect of COVID-19.  Unless starvation catches him first...

"Humans are savages.  Their civilized behaviour is only a conditioned response." 

~Ljupka Cvetanova


Monday, October 26, 2020

dead girl in the pool


News Flash...

dead girl in the pool...FOUND at the bottom...

Possible suicide of a Children of the Pestilence member...  

Wandering around this secluded gated community...

I find this inviting pool scene...

I sneak into the enclosed pool area.  Dark, cold, and losing my mind I start to undress...

I blame my parents for introducing me to the Elders of C.O.P.  My innocence was lost the first time I engaged in their perverted and sick rituals...

My parents informed me it was either join the group (Children of the Pestilence) or die an agonizing death from COVID-19.  No choice either way.  Death would find me...

I slowly slip into the water clutching a razor blade in my hand...Cold at first then sort of comforting...

Slice my wrists and then slice numerous areas of my body.  The blood spilling out into the water...

My secrets and troubles are leaving my body...

Just before I lose consciousness...A random thought enters my twisted mind...I wish I could see the look on the property owners' faces when they find a dead girl in the pool...

After all this I'm just the dead girl in the pool... 

"No one commits suicide because they want to die.  Then why do they do it? Because they want to stop the pain."

~Tiffanie DeBartolo   

A Warning in October 2020: Children of the Pestilence

Do not pass...

Call off the rescue party no one is looking for me...

I'm not the hero you want me to be...

I know the End and it's not pretty...

Cults usually emerge during times of uncertainty.  Individuals searching for a place to belong.  To make sense of their chaotic world.  

In 2020, this world has not seen this much Chaos since the Year 1347...

A new CULT forms called Children of the Pestilence...           

Members recruiting lost souls during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Going town to town abducting individuals off the street.  No COVID tests were administered.  Quarantined for 14 days and then allowed to interact with the others.  This was their way of not having infected individuals in their midst.       

No one is safe...Missing Children and Adults are being reported in towns near you...

More leaked information will be revealed at a later time...

"Death is the ultimate orgasm..."

~Children of God (cult)  

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

LA Peste: Year 1347 - Year 2020


Flash forward from the Year 1347 to 2020...

The Plague is in full destruction mode once again...

COVID-19 Plague of 2020 is more devastating...more sickness...more desperation...more violence...more deaths...

The Plague Doctor is roaming the country side doing his magic...

"Damn these bodies are just plying up.  The smell is horrendous.  Good thing I replaced the herbs and flowers in my beak.  

I wonder why most of these dead souls have bite marks all over their bodies. Food supply must be low... 

Consuming already infected individuals is not the way to go.  Cannibalism seems to reign in these awful times...

This will only lead to more Sickness and Death...

I have to get creative in the disposal of these bodies.  The barely alive sick ones will be herded and placed in old abandoned hospitals...

The burning will start soon.  Burn the infected bodies... The smell will be horrifying.  Better add more flowers and herbs to my beak.  

The work of a Plague Doctor never ends in the Year 2020..."

"2020 is quicksand - Keep Calm and try to make it out alive."

~Terri Guillemets 


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

This Feels like the END


Nobody can save us now...

This Plague is our penance for destroying the Earth...

Running out of places to bury the dead...

Decaying Bodies are being stored in U-Hauls  outside of funeral homes...

Hospital Morgues are at their capacities...

Awaiting family members to pick up their love ones...What happens if there is no one left in the family...All members have succumbed to the same devastating disease (COVID-19)...

"Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent."

~R.D Laing

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Caution! Cuco en el Monte

 Passing through this plane of existence...

Humans disturbing the Spirits' rest...

Through the door at The Mount ...

Edith Wharton walks into her summer home...

Why are these despicable humans trampling through my home...

I smell that most of them are not well...

It seems they're carrying a great sickness (COVID 19)...

Infecting each other with touching...

I survived the Spanish Flu of 1918...

This is much worse for them...

I think I will stay awhile to see what happens...

There's not much entertainment in the afterlife...

"Half the trouble in life is caused by pretending there isn't any."

~Edith Wharton 


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Since Birth...

Information stolen from WETNANNA files...

COVID-19 virus lurks in all of us...

It's in our Blood since Birth and they figured how to turn it order to turn us OFF permanently...

"This must be our ORIGINAL SIN..." 


Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Missing COWS...

Reports of livestock gone missing or abducted...

In the 1970s this phenomenon was blamed on space aliens...

It seems cows are now being abducted for      COVID-19 experiments by Amerikan scientists.  They pay individuals that need the money to abduct these cows in the Dead of Night.

COWS are snatched and taken to secret COVID labs on sprawling ranches in the Heartland...

Experiments are being conducted on these poor beasts... 

All in the name of creating a stronger strain of COVID-19 that kills humans faster and causes a higher rate of death.  

Alert the COWS of this unfortunate turn of events for the BOVINE community.

Humans are just the worst...

"All men are enemies. All animals are comrades."

~George Orwell - Animal Farm    

Monday, September 14, 2020

Letchworth Asylum Hospital: COVID-19 Plague Doctor is in...

Individuals enter Letchworth Asylum Hospital but never leave...

COVID patients locked in rooms with little or no light...

Bloodletting: Leeches poured over the body. Some even crawl in the patients' mouth. 

Patients becoming sicker by the hour...

COVID Bodies are burned in the hospital courtyard by the dozens...

Plague Doctor (Medico Della Peste) operates on these poor souls...

Feeding them discarded diseased rodents (2020 food shortage) and memorializing the effects...

Charles de L’Orme  - chief doctor to Louis XIII...was one of the first plague doctors in history.  This Medieval plague doctor did not face the ravages and scourge of COVID-19...

The Black Plague pales in comparison to COVID-19...

Stay Tuned: this Plague doctor will be visiting other patients...

"It's going to get worse before it gets better.
and it might never get better..."


Monday, September 7, 2020

Vultures in a COVID conversation

Two Florida vultures having a conversation...

“What’s going on with the humans?  They seem to be walking around in a daze (COVID-19)... Some are covering their faces with masks and seem to be panicking.  Others seem to be just walking around without a care in the world just agitating the ones covering their faces.”

“Hey look over there...a human is attacking another one and eating its face.  Chewing and swallowing blood.  That individual is screaming bloody murder.  No one is helping him.  The female just bounded out of a vehicle and pounced on her victim.  Strange ongoings in this world...”

“Well let’s not let good food go the waste...We can swoop down and pick the meaty flesh off the bones...Humans love to waste food...There is more delectable human flesh to savor on those bones...”

“Fear the vulture and the vulture will come.  Fear nothing and you are the vulture.”

~Suzy Kassem

Friday, September 4, 2020


Walking along the road searching for food.  Come upon this curious sight...

A fully erect human cock...just lying in the grass... 

How do these things happen?

Looks diseased... COVID-19 is working overtime...

Someone is without his manhood...

No longer able to infect another person with his poison...

The penis swells up 3 times it’s normal size and turns yellow and brown and inexplicably falls off the body without warning...

“Nothing is as it seems in this world...”

~a guy with no cock

Monday, August 17, 2020

A COVID Confession...

I never realized how loud a man could scream... Had to shove a pillow case down his throat to make him be quiet...I thought he enjoyed our choke-sex sessions... 

I believe this relationship lasted past its expiration date...

Some relationships are short and some are way too long... You need to learn which type you're in...

I believe I could be suffering from COVID madness...

Seeing voices and hearing colors...

This guy wrapped in bedsheets and I were in a brief relationship, but it was extremely passionate...    

Bite marks all over our bodies...

Blood was exchanged...

When I needed him most he wasn't there... I looked into his eyes and knew it was over...

Excuse me...I must be out of my mind...

His neck snapped like a twig during one of our many choke-sex sessions...  

Wrapped his lifeless body in sheets and a blanket...

Left him for the hotel maid to discover... 

I might shed a couple of tears over the ending of this relationship in a few days...or maybe never...

Tell me if this is Fundamental Love...

Remember some women are more dangerous than men...

"Hotel room cleanup work can kill you if done right."


Thursday, August 13, 2020

COVID: This Train Ride is PURE HELL

Blood splattered on the floor...

Sticky mess watch your step...

COVID infected Savages lurking for food...

Attacking and Eating unsuspected victims...

Survival mode during these turbulent times is paramount...

Two Fiends board the train foaming at the mouth with red glowing eyes probably suffering from this VIRUS... {By the way its not disappearing...}  

They grab the nearest human and begin to tear out the victim's throat with their snarling teeth...

Blood gushing everywhere...

The sound of this victim's screams are deafening...

Gagging on blood, one fiend chases down another victim from behind and tears a hole in her back and pulls out a piece of her spine and chews on it... 

The other fiend lying on the floor in a pool of blood licking the first victim's body...

Tasty...Sweet and Salty Blood... 

Pure Madness reigns in the Underground...

"I think I will catch the NEXT train..."
