Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Warning...

Mr. Tiddles gives a Warning in paint on the wall of the underground bunker.

A few mercenaries look at the warning with amusement.  They have not got the slightest idea who or what they are chasing.   

They are bunch of fucking amateurs!!!  These weekend warrior survivalists looking to make a fast buck will be captured, tortured, and finally killed in unimaginable ways. 

They will believe in Hell on Earth.


"The healthy man does not torture others - generally, it is the tortured who turn into torturers." --Carl Jung

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Siege

The Siege Continues...

More mercenaries are arriving by boat in the dead of night.  Their benefactor has spared no expense to capture or kill Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy. 

This wealthy benefactor does not care to revenge his children's deaths, but to make our serial killers pay for bringing their curious family affairs (incestuous fornication) to light.

These mercenaries will feel the full wrath of Mr. Tiddles and his henchman (Goatboy). 

"Sharked up a list of lawless resolutes."  -----William Shakespeare giving an order for the use of Mercenaries

Sunday, November 27, 2011

El Chivo Loco

Goatboy goes above ground and surveys the area.  Goatboy gazes upon the mercenaries behind a barrier.  These mercenaries were sent to either kill them or capture them. 

These hired goons have no idea    the wrath that will come upon them... 

“Fear the Goat from the front, the horse from the rear, and man from all sides." --Anonymous

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Storming the Compound

Three to four bounty hunters are storming the Tiddles' compound.  The wealthy father of the brother and sister victims from the canyon must have hired these mercenaries. 

Stealth like, they enter the compound under darkness.  At first light, CS gas will be dispersed throughout the compound.  Smoke grenades thrown into windows.

Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy are safe for now underground.  Goatboy becomes extremely hyper and wishes to go above ground to confront our uninvited guests.    

CS gas will not have any effect on Goatboy.  Therefore, Mr. Tiddles sends him above ground to "welcome" our guests... 

"Have fun storming the Castle!" 
          The Princess Bride

Friday, November 25, 2011

Searching the Pumpkin Fields

The authorities are searching for the "Canyon Killers."  The newspapers are calling Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy this misnomer.  If they only read and understood the truth,            Mr. Tiddles and Goatboy kill their prey anywhere at any time.   

Pumpkin fields are being searched because the police found pumpkin seeds on the ground at the Canyon murder scene.  Goatboy was eating a raw pumpkin while we were waiting by the pool before we killed the sister and brother couple who were fornicating by the pool. 

The Rabbit Hole Bunker is nowhere near the pumpkin fields.  So we are safe for now...

Wait...Mr. Tiddles hears loud stomping above them.  A huge commotion is occurring above ground. 

They might be closing in...

  "Which came first: The pumpkin or the Pumpkin seed?" --Anonymous